- (855) 503-1800
- 1 Park Plaza, Ste 600 Irvine, CA 92614
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By clicking the APPLY button, you are providing written consent under the Fair Credit Reporting Act for United Medical Credit and our lenders and partners with whom you are matched to obtain consumer reporting information from your credit profile or other information from one or more credit bureaus. You understand and agree that you are submitting an application for credit, and are consenting to the use of your consumer report information by United Medical Credit and our lenders and partners to conduct anti-fraud security checks and evaluate your application for credit. You understand that your application may be matched with multiple lenders, each of whom may obtain consumer report information from your credit profile.
Due to lender policies the person who is receiving the services is required to be listed as the main applicant. If you believe the person who is receiving the services has non-qualifying credit, an option to add a co-applicant is provided at the end of this application. Funding may be canceled or declined if the person receiving the services is not on the application (if the person receiving the services is a minor, please list the minor’s legal guardian).
As Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Nate expertly drives revenue growth for United Credit by leading sales and marketing strategies across all channels. With over 20 years of experience working with global brands in various industries, Nate has a proven track record of boosting sales, expanding market share, and building strong relationships. His unique ‘right-brain + left-brain’ approach combines business acumen and strategic thinking with striking creative execution, ensuring United Credit’s sales and marketing efforts consistently deliver results for continued success.
Matthew is the President and Founder of United Credit. Matt founded fintech company United Medical Credit in 2011 to connect consumers and businesses with an array of experienced, innovative financing solutions. In 2022, the company grew and became United Credit, fueling an expansion into retail markets while retaining its expertise in specialty healthcare.
Since its founding, Matt has provided leadership for all aspects of the Company, emphasizing long-term growth while ensuring United Credit delivers value to its consumers, merchants, and business partners. The Company has risen in the fintech space as a preferred consumer financing partner under his tenure.
Matt is also an active member of YPO (Young Presidents’ Organization), the world’s largest leadership community of company chief executives.