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United Credit understands the planning and preparation needed to obtain a cosmetic, bariatric, fertility, dental or vision correction procedure and we want to make the process as easy as possible for you. We have provided several links below that we believe are credible for learning about the healthcare procedures you are considering.

For Calculating Monthly Payments:

Use our simple online loan calculator

For Plastic & Cosmetic Procedures:

Before you move forward with your cosmetic or plastic surgery, you should always check to make sure your doctor is certified by the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Certifications from these organizations are different than the medical board’s certification and ensure that your selected healthcare provider has gone the extra step. There is also the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) and to take it a step further, some cosmetic surgeons obtain a American College of Surgeons (FACS) membership. Members of FACS perform their cosmetic procedures with the highest level of standards and receive continuous education for their practice.

For Dental & Cosmetic Dental:

If you plan to have non-cosmetic dental work done, you should utilize the American Dental Association (ADA) as a resource; if you are considering getting cosmetic dental work done a great website is American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD).

For Bariatric Procedures:

United Credit believes that the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) is a great place to start your research for your bariatric procedure.

For Fertility Procedures:

The American Fertility Association (AFA) has the most comprehensive resource library for starting your family, including, all fertility procedures, general costs and even adoption. Starting a family can be the most important decision in your life so be sure to obtain information from a reputable source.

For Vision Procedures:

You should make sure your doctor is certified by the American College of Eye Surgerons (ACES) & American Board of Eye Surgery (ABES). You can find some very valuable information on any procedure type on these sites as well. Lastly, there are many forums on the Internet with a plethora of information about your procedures. The team at United Credit believes forums can be a great place to learn about financing, experiences with particular doctors and your desired procedures. Just be careful on what you read in a forum because you never know who is writing it!

For General Healthcare and General Procedures:

A great place to start your research for most general healthcare information is Web MD. You will always find reputable information on FDA approvals, new medications, procedure information and overall health.